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Jmeter 5.4.1- Config Elements - Part-03

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Cucumber Datatable testing without using scenario outline and Issues

  Before going through this blog please visit blog The issue you might encounter while running cucumber project- 1.  you have created the cucumber all file in src/test/java and you are trying to  move it in another folder transition might not be smooth, It will give error one fix will led to other.(depends on the setup) 2. If on running a feature file and successfully creating a stepdef file, If application still says that  few steps are still needs to be implemented or all of them(not detecting creation of step definition) then there is a high chance you have mistakenly wrote some other annotation in stepdef when compares to you feature file eg:- feature file @And ( "^user close browser$" ) public   void  user_close_browser()  throws  Throwable { Stepdef:-             @Then ( "^user close browser$" ) public   void  user_close_browser()  throws  Throwable { driver .quit(); 3. Duplicate S...

Cucumber - Execution of test cases and reporting

Before going through this blog please checkout blog on   Cucumber Fundamentals Cucumber is testing tool which implements BDD(behaviour driven development).It offers a way to write tests that  anybody can understand, regardless of there technical knowledge. It users Gherkin (business readable language) which helps to  describe behaviour without going into details of implementation It's helpful for  business stakeholders who can't easily read code ( Why cucumber tool,  is  called  cucumber , I have no idea if you ask me I could have named it "Potato"(goes well with everything and easy to understand 😂) Well, According to its founder..... My wife suggested I call it  Cucumber  (for no particular reason), so that's how it got its  name . I also decided to give the Given-When-Then syntax a  name , to separate it from the  tool . That's why it's  called  Gherkin ( small variety of a cucumber that's been pickled. I...